
Helping Mechanical Engineers Win with Cloud

Siemens STAR-CCM+ in the Cloud 

UberCloud Compendium of Case Studies

Much more than just a CFD code, STAR-CCM+ is a complete multidisciplinary platform for the simulation of products and designs operating under real-world conditions. In order to design better products, engineers need to predict the consequence of any design changes on the real-world performance of their product, for better or for worse.


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Star-CCM+ Case Studies included in this compendium:


Team 99: Atkins Energy - North Sea Asset Life Extension Assessing impacts on Helicopter Operations

Team 152: Trek Bicycle - Running Bicycle Optimizations in the Cloud

Team 166: Technology Consultant, INDIA - CFD Study on Flight Aerodynamic with STAR-CCM+ Container in the Cloud

Team 187: CAE Technology Inc. - CFD Analysis of a V6 intake manifold using STAR-CCM+ in the Cloud

Team 189: HTR Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil - CFD Simulation of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Team 190: Charité University Hospital Berlin - CFD Simulation of Airflow within a Nasal Cavity


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