HPC in the Cloud with OpenHPC Production Ready Containers

Solution Brief

How OpenHPC can be used to develop pre­configured, ready to run software containers to ease usability, accessibility, and portability challenges for development and execution of High Performance Computing applications in public and private cloud environments. 

High Performance Computing environments are traditionally built for one key objective: performance. To use HPC for a wider set of applications, to make it ubiquitous, other concerns such as reusability, repeatability, time to deployment, ease of use need to be addressed.

You'll Learn About The Benefits of OpenHPC:

  • Portability: Build container images once, deploy them rapidly in various infrastructures
  • Low Overhead: Run at high performance levels comparable to bare­metal deployments
  • Scalability: Deploy containers on multiple hosts to increase performance
  • Rapid Deployment: Simplify and compress deployment time of HPC applications

This UberCloud solution brief was developed in partnership with Intel.